December 22, 2015
In an effort to provide the Twin Commander community – owners, operators, pilots, the people and companies who support the worldwide fleet, and enthusiasts, too – with the latest information as well as opportunities to interact and share their Twin Commander experiences, Twin Commander now has a presence on the primary social media sites: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Social media is a quick, efficient way for users to check on the latest news and information about their favorite subjects and activities. People also enjoy using the sites to comment and post photos and videos about their experiences. In fact, if you check out Twin Commander’s site on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram you’ll see the latest on the upcoming Twin Commander University. The University will be the focus of frequent updates on Twin Commander’s social media sites.
For detailed information about Twin Commander Aircraft and its authorized service centers, and technical information about various models of Twin Commanders, the place to go is For the latest news and information about the Twin Commander University and to share your Twin Commander experiences, see Twin Commander’s sites on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.