December 22, 2018
Although some hard numbers may be available to determine the health of the aircraft market, explaining the why behind the numbers is always a mix of opinion based on experience and art based on gut feelings. Whatever the reason, it’s clear that the Twin Commander market is going strong.
Byerly Aviation’s Bruce Byerly said that from where he sits, “The market is more active than I can remember in recent years.” Whether because of tax incentives that encourage a business’ capital purchase or a strong economy that enables an individual owner to make a purchase, Byerly said things are extremely healthy right now.
Byerly sold four Commanders in November, and some of the activity toward the end of the year was likely a push to make year-end tax deadlines. Whether that activity continues into 2019 is yet to be determined. “I don’t have a crystal ball,” he said.
Yet at the moment all indications are good. Byerly said prices aren’t through the roof, but they are stable and healthy. In fact, he said the biggest issue in the coming months is going to be finding inventory, and that he’s currently at risk of running out. “Almost everything that’s advertised doesn’t exist,” he said. “It’s already under contract.”
Even though he may not have a crystal ball, Byerly is positive in his outlook. He said forestry operators are continuing to replace their piston fleets with Twin Commanders, and with good airplanes on the market, demand will be strong. “One trend that never goes out of style is buyers’ desire for a well-kept, updated aircraft.”