June 30, 2019
Come January 1, 2020, no aircraft will be able to fly where a transponder is required today unless suitably equipped with ADS-B. Maybe you’ve heard.
After years of debate over benefits, requirements, mandates, and prices of equipment, the ADS-B deadline is nearly here. If your aircraft doesn’t have a certified ADS-B Out box, you will not be able to fly in most areas above 10,000 feet, in or around Class B or C airspace, or many other places where a transponder is now required. And while some have speculated that the deadline may slip, the FAA has made it repeatedly clear that the date is firm. In fact, the agency recently released a waiver procedure that will allow certain flights without ADS-B-equipped aircraft after January 1 of next year, and with the process outline came the clear guidance that repeated wavier requests would be denied. In short, if you want to continue to fly your Twin Commander you must install ADS-B.
There is some good news for owners who have yet to equip. Parts and equipment aren’t difficult to obtain. Winner Aviation’s Tim Tobey said that while other aircraft types may have to wait eight weeks or more for equipment, a Twin Commander owner can usually expect to wait only a short lead-time.
Twin Commander owners also benefit from a wide range of equipment options, including units from Garmin, Collins, ACSS, L3, and more. The best choice comes down to what your panel current has and what sort of capability you want. You can just meet the mandate with ADS-B Out, or you can get the benefit of ADS-B In traffic and weather delivered to a panel-mounted display or an iPad. Craig Horsely, Winner’s avionics manager, said it all depends on how much you want to spend and what you see as the residual value of the equipment when it comes time to sell.
Many of Winner’s customers are taking the opportunity to install other panel modifications at the same time, including USB charging ports and autopilot upgrades. Tobey said many Twin Commander owners come into the shop and know exactly what they want. “That’s their baby,” he said. “They’ll research and know exactly what’s out there.” Even so, an owner can expect multiple quotes on an inquiry, ranging from the minimum required to meet the mandate to more advanced capabilities and big upgrades.
A great way to save money on an ADS-B install is to time it with an inspection or other major maintenance event. Horsely said that it’s not inconceivable to save 15 or 20 hours of labor on an installation because the interior is already out. Winner saved one owner 30 hours of labor because he elected to have ADS-B installed during an airworthiness directive inspection.