March 19, 2013
By Matt Isley
First published in Flight Levels Online, Spring 2013 issue
By the time you read this, many of us will be gathered at the 2013 Twin Commander University in Scottsdale, Arizona.
The theme for this year’s University event is “One of a Kind” and never has it been more appropriate.
The aircraft you fly is one-of-a-kind. No other aircraft model can boast the Commander’s combination of fuel efficiency, speed, performance, safety, range, and broad mission capability. Literally speaking, they just don’t make ‘em like this anymore.
Commander owners are one-of-a-kind, too. We continue to be overwhelmed at the level of technical detail that Commander owners embrace in looking after their aircraft. Complex machines though they are, Commander owners know all the nooks and crannies of their birds.
One-of-a-kind can also be used to describe our staff – the folks dedicated to making sure you have the best technical resources, latest upgrades, and safest aircraft possible. Many of them also will be in attendance in Scottsdale to answer your questions and become more familiar with the folks they work so hard to support.
We constantly hear from owners and operators of other aircraft brands and models who are amazed at the service Commander owners receive. In terms of engineering expertise, parts availability, and knowledgeable maintenance providers, our level of support rivals that of the best new aircraft OEM networks in the business.
We couldn’t have this one-of-a-kind backing without the one-of-a-kind network of Service Centers out there that are getting it done. They are the eyes and ears of the Commander world. They give us feedback on potential service and parts issues in the fleet, and they let us know if we aren’t living up to your high standards.
Our biggest and best Service Centers will be there with us at the University. Given that our efforts involve a lot of behind-the-scenes work, it is always enjoyable to see firsthand the camaraderie that exists between Commander owners and the people who stand behind them.
Personally, I am looking forward to seeing many of our one-of-a-kind Commander owners in Arizona.