Newsletter Archive

FROM THE FACTORY: Being Good, Really Good, at Something

June 25, 2016

By Matt Isley

It is said that everyone is good at something. Our “something” here at Twin Commander Aircraft is a single-minded focus on supporting you and every Twin Commander owner and operator, no matter where, no matter when, no matter how.

That support means providing replacement parts and upgrade kits to keep your Commander flying with better-than-new performance, efficiency, capability, and reliability. It means day-to-day technical support, including productive communication with the FAA. It means tracking potential maintenance issues and devising solutions; providing expert and experienced insight, perspective, and advice to owners, operators, and service centers; encouraging a community relationship among owners, operators, pilots and service providers by organizing the biennial Twin Commander University; and communicating with you regularly through Flight Levels and the eLetter. And, most importantly, it means managing a worldwide network of authorized service centers that stock the parts and employ the highly experienced technicians who do indeed “keep ‘em flying.”

The technicians who are at the core of our service centers’ value typically are quiet, introspective, and humble souls who take pride in their ability to analyze problems and devise solutions. Their dedication to their profession and their work ethic are vital to the continued health and well-being not only of the Commander fleet, but of every airplane flying.

Kerry Lifetime Achievement Award

Twin Commander Aircraft presented Leifeld with a Lifetime Achievement Award for his “…Dedication and Support of the Worldwide Twin Commander Fleet.

One such technician who exemplifies the very best in the Twin Commander community is Kerry Leifeld. To the good fortune of many, many Twin Commander owners and operators over the years, Kerry has been very good at something special, and that something is maintaining Twin Commanders. Until his recent retirement, he spent every one of his 42 years as a hands-on technician and service manager at Byerly Aviation in Peoria, Illinois.

Kerry more than earned his Lifetime Achievement Award from Twin Commander Aircraft, given for his exemplary service. Kerry said it best, however: “I am very proud to not only call myself an aircraft mechanic, but also a Commander mechanic.”

That kind of dedication is not unique to Kerry; loyalty to the profession is a hallmark of Twin Commander technicians. It’s why our authorized service centers are so highly regarded for their experience, their expertise, and their commitment to the Twin Commander community.

Twin Commander technicians are good, very good, at what they do, and that is a big reason why we at Twin Commander Aircraft can be good at what we do, too.