Maintenance Training Session a Success
One of the great benefits of owning and operating a Twin Commander is a robust network of Factory Authorized Service Centers. Service center maintenance is of a high standard in part because maintenance technicians attend type-specific training. The training, offered twice a year through Eagle Creek Aviation Services, is an eight-day course specific to the various models of Twin Commanders. The spring session was a big success, with two mechanics taking part in an on-site class at Eagle Creek, and nine attending at an operator’s facility in Canada. Mike Grabbe, a Twin Commander expert, wrote the course and teaches it through a series of classroom and hands-on aids. “Most mechanics are tactile learners,” he said. The sessions held at Eagle Creek in Indianapolis have the advantage of accessing aircraft in all states of repair or refurbishment. While the class is geared toward maintainers, Grabbe has had pilots attend in the past. He said most attendees have been techs for at least two years.
The next class is scheduled for November 4 through 13. Contact Mike Grabbe at [email protected] for more information.
Have You Seen the Latest Issue of Flight Levels Online?
What do a former professional basketball player, a flight to the Galapagos Islands, and the Garmin G950 have in common? They are all features in the latest issue of Flight Levels Online. The spring issue is out now, featuring John Hummer, a former NBA basketball player, successful venture capitalist, and now passionate Twin Commander owner.
Read about Hummer’s interesting use of the airplane.
Also in this issue:
- A Culture of Support
- Windshield tips
- Preflighting your engine
- A trip to the Galapagos
- Glass cockpit basics
and more.
Twin Commander Supporting Fleet with Free SB241 Kits
Twin Commander owners who have not yet complied with Service Bulletin 241 affecting certain models can now receive a free service bulletin compliance kit from Twin Commander aircraft. The kit has a value of $16,325 and includes the major components necessary to complete SB241, which is a compliance method for FAA Airworthiness Directive 2013-09-05 addressing potential cracking in the aft pressure bulkhead. SB241, and the A.D., apply to 690/A/B model Twin Commanders. Later-model Twin Commanders –– 690C/Ds and 695/A/Bs –– have a different wing-to-fuselage design and are not affected by the service bulletin or A.D.
To be eligible for a donated kit an owner must acquire the kit and have it installed at one of 13 Factory Authorized Twin Commander Service Center facilities, a worldwide network dedicated to Twin Commander service, sales, and support. Only two kits are available, so hurry to get yours and upgrade your Twin Commander.
Here’s a list of Factory Authorized Twin Commander Service Centers.
Owners Excited About Possible Twin Commander Gathering
Last month we asked how likely you are to attend a Twin Commander gathering, the planning for which is just beginning. Based on the strong response—53 percent said they were very likely to attend and an additional 37 percent said they were likely to attend—Twin Commander Aircraft has decided to continue detailed planning for the gathering. Stay tuned for announcements on dates and location.