690B Twin Commander

Specifications & Performance

The 690B first flew in 1976 and was similar to the 690A with increased weight ratings, two engine options and several modifications to the cabin interior including larger baggage space.



Wing span 46.55′ 14.19m
Length 44.35′ 13.52m
Height 14.95′ 4.56m
Tread 15.42′ 4.70m
Cabin Entry Door 2. 21’ x 3.92’ .67 x 1.19m
Cabin Height (Inside Interior) 4.47′ 1.36m
Cabin Length 14.25′ 4.34m
Cabin Width (Inside Interior) 4.01′ 1.22m
Cabin Volume 224 ft³ 6.34m³
Baggage compartment height 3.81′ 1.16m
Baggage compartment width 3.50′ 1.07m
Baggage compartment length 4.83′ 1.47m
Baggage compartment volume 46.5 ft³ 1.32 m³
Baggage door height 2.60′ .79m
Baggage door width 1.64′ .50m
Baggage compartment load limit 600 lbs 272 kg


Hartzell 3 blade, constant speed, full feathering and reversible

Power Plant

Honeywell TPE-331-5-251or TPE-331-5-252 single-shaft turbo-prop with integral gearbox, two-stage centrifugal compressor, three-stage axial turbine and single annular combustion chamber

Weights - Aircraft

Ramp Weight: 10,375 lbs/4,706 kg
Take-off Weight: 10,325 lbs/4,683 kg
Landing Weight: 9,675 lbs/4,389 kg
Standard Empty Weight: 6,195 lbs/2,810 kg
Useful Load: 4,180 lbs/1,896 kg
Zero Fuel Weight: 8,750 lbs/3,968 kg
Baggage: 600 lbs/272 kg


Operating Speed

Maximum Cruise
(100% 12,000 ft.TAS@ 10,325 lbs/4,683 kg) 327mph/284kts
Normal Cruise Speed
(96%20,000 ft.TAS@ 10,325 lbs/4,683 kg): 326mph/283kts
Twin Engine Best Rate of Climb Speed (CAS): 161mph/140kts
Twin Engine Best Angle of Climb Speed (CAS): 133mph/116kts
Single Engine Best Rate of Climb Speed (CAS): 132mph/115kts
Single Engine Best Angle of Climb Speed (CAS): 126mph/109kts
Minimum Control Speed (CAS): 99mph/86kts
Stall Speed, Clean (CAS): 94mph/82kts
Stall Speed, Gear and Flaps Down (CAS): 89mph/77kts

Cruising Ranges

Long range cruise at 288mph/250.3kts/463.4kmh (TAS) average at 31,000 ft., 9,449 meters, (96% rpm) with 45 min. fuel reserve: 1,688 SM/ 1,467 NM, 2,717 KM

High speed cruise range at 320mph/278kts/515kmh (TAS) average at 25,000 ft., 7,620 meters (96% rpm) with 45 min. fuel reserve: 1,192 SM/1,036 NM/1,918 KM